job for mysql.service failed because the control process exited with error code. see "systemctl status mysql.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
3. the method indexof, part of the list interface, returns the index of the first occurrence of an object in a list. what does the following code fragment do?
[jun 25 13:18:04] notice[374][c-00000018]: chan_sip.c:19635 send_check_user_failure_response: failed to authenticate device ;tag=cb1f865c8c4b4c0c8bb6cfa76a744569 for invite, code = -2
By Gregory Brown at Jun 24 2021
what is the output of the following code snippet? treeset set = new treeset(); set.add("b"); set.add("a"); set.add("d"); set.add("a"); for(string s : set) { system.out.print(s + " "); }
code: 'er_not_supported_auth_mode', errno: 1251, sqlmessage: 'client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading mysql client', sqlstate: '08004', fatal: true