

Write an expression that will cause the following code to print "Equal" if the value of sensorReading is "close enough" to targetValue. Otherwise, print "Not equal". Ex: If targetValue is 0.3333 and sensorReading is (1.0/3.0), output is:

By Beginner Kristin Klein at Nov 19 2020


Write a javascript function that takes two arguments and should either sum them or just print the first one if the second one is undefined. If both are undefined print "No numbers given"

By Beginner Silvia Littel at Jun 02 2020


4. You want to print the incremental count each time you instantiate a object using new in JS

By Beginner Ana Cruickshank at Sep 19 2020


def compound_words_pluralization(doc): objs = [] for idx,word in text: if(word) = 'is': replace_word == are objs.append({"token":"{}".format(replace_word, 'start':idx)}) else: print(idx) return objs find the error

By Beginner uniquepj at Jun 19 2021

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