if javascript


JavaScript check if web page text contains a word

By Double Wooden Hammer Jerome Kautzer at Jun 09 2021


given two strings return true if they are anagrams of one another in javascript

By Beginner Sherri Yost at Mar 24 2021


learn this - js iteration conditionals i if else for in loops for each thing.length

By Beginner Sim the great at Apr 13 2022


how to write a program that displays a message “It’s Fun day” if it's Saturday or Sunday today in javascript

By Beginner Lillie Leuschke at Jun 20 2020


Don’t Use If-Else and Switch in JavaScript, Use Object Literals

By Beginner Rex Murray at Apr 19 2021


Write a javascript function that takes two arguments and should either sum them or just print the first one if the second one is undefined. If both are undefined print "No numbers given"

By Beginner Silvia Littel at Jun 02 2020


Write a function called lucky_sevens which takes an array of integers and returns true if any three consecutive elements sum to 7. by js

By Beginner Condemned Cardinal at Apr 19 2021


Given a list of daily temperatures T, return a list such that, for each day in the input, tells you how many days you would have to wait until a warmer temperature. If there is no future day for which this is possible, put 0 instead javascript

By Beginner SweFalcon at Jun 30 2020

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